Labyrinthine Wiki

Chapter Four Walkthrough[]


Welcome to the terrifying Chapter 4!

Entrance4 Desk

Collapsing below the surface into the darkness, we find ourselves in the depths of the old Crypt. Before we discover the dark secrets of it, we will need to turn around and research the wooden desk next to us. There we will find a note written by Joan and a strange tablet with a carved rune in it.

Note. Rune1

In her notes, Joan prepared us for the next puzzles that we will need to complete in order to exit the old Crypt. Let’s move on and find where the exit is located.


Walking through the main hallway of the Crypt, we will see a lot of locked gates with different runes on them. The gates on the left side have the same rune as the one we have on the tablet, so this must mean something, right?

Exit Gates

At the end of the long hallway that we came from, we can see the exit secured by 3 gates which we will need to open.

However, when we look around, we will see 2 small structures with a mold in them. There, we will place the tablets with the strange runes.

Pedestal1 Pedestal2

Opening the left gates[]

After placing the tablet with the strange rune on the left pedestal, the structure activates and retracts down in the ground. Now our first gates are opened and we can successfully explore the left side of the Crypt.

RuneIn LeftGates

Be careful though, on the left side of the Crypt we will encounter our first monster for the Chapter – The Crypt Zombie.

While researching the Crypt for our new objectives, we will find the bone zone, which is leading us deeper into the undergrounds. After some time of exploring, we will see a small torch.

BoneZone Torch

If we follow the torch’s path, we will be able to find our first key and the second tablet laying in a big, buried with bones Cathedral room.


BronzeKey Rune2

Opening the right gates[]

That’s right, it’s time to continue investigating the other side of the Crypt by placing the second rune tablet. Since the whole Crypt is open now, we will meet our second and final enemy for the Chapter – Pigman.

RuneIn2 RightGates

Note: Keep in mind that the keys can be found on both sides of the Crypt left and right. The puzzles and their solutions can be found only on the right side of the Crypt. After opening both gates, Pigman and the Crypt zombies will move around freely, and the Pig specifically will be looking for you.

The puzzles[]

On the right side of the Crypt, we will find 3 different puzzles, each of which when completed, will give us access to different levers. After pulling all the levers, we will be able to escape the deadly Crypt.

1.    The first one is a puzzle just like a “Memory” game. We will need to match a pair of the same plates and when we find all 8 pairs, the puzzle will be completed. When we solve it, the iron bars behind us will rise and we will gain access to pull the first lever.

Puzzle1 Lever1

2.    The second puzzle has a dynamic style of solution. We will need to run around the Crypt in order to find 3 different sculptures, illustrated with unique symbols. After taking notes of the sculptures, we will end up in a big room where we will need to correctly arrange the stone structures.

Puzzle2 Symbol1 Symbol2 Symbol3

When we complete the puzzle, the bars will rise for us! Don’t think twice, pull the lever and let’s see what type of a puzzle our last one will be.


3.    Firstly, we will need to walk through the fence labyrinth, which will lead us to the last riddle. While walking, we will see a specific doorway with 2 braziers in between. This is our way to enter the puzzle room.

Fences Doorway

After we enter the puzzle room, we will see a wide key station in which we are going to insert our 5 keys, so we can pull the last lever.

Puzzle3 KeyStation

As it is written in the note in the small lever room, this lever is a time-based one. Keep in mind that after pulling the lever, we will have to run fast towards the exit, since the hourglass next to the lever will count the time after which the gate will close again (you can redo this puzzle as many times as needed).

Lever3 .Note

Let’s get out of here and see what the next chapter has in store for us!

